Hi there everyone, been a little while since I've written a blog post on here but since we're all now in the midst of 'lockdown', I figured I'd do something productive and conduct a little interview with one of our gorgeous brides to be. Rebecca came to us with the most wonderful ideas and by the end of the consultation we where both so excited for her upcoming wedding. Months tick by, and as we all know the world was hit by the COVID-19 outbreak. With hotels closing, many of you upcoming brides know that many dates now have to be postponed. Devastating as it, Rebecca gives us some insight into how shes coped, and the light at the end of the tunnel.

What was your original wedding date ?
Saturday 4th April 2020 🤍
What stage of planning where you at ?
I... Sorry, I mean, we 😂.. had basically everything planned by this stage. It was just less than 3 weeks to the wedding so we hadn’t that much to do apart from finalising details such as the ceremony cards, lifting our marriage certificate and having a rehearsal with our officiant. At this stage, we were just celebrating with loved ones! I was also enjoying sampling out every cake flavour from Gemma’s Cakes, even though we had already chosen our flavours! 🙈

Tell us a little about your wedding without giving too much away?
April was the month we met 8 years ago and with April, brings beautiful pops of colour. I had the vision in my head for years of what I wanted our Wedding to look like. Thankfully, with the help of our amazing suppliers, they are able to make our dreams become a reality 😊

Where where you when you began to realise there may be a situation where You would have to change your wedding date ?
Initially, I didn’t think this would happen, like the majority of the population, we didn’t think it would ever affect the UK. On the Sunday 15th March, I had a gut feeling that we wouldn’t be getting married in April. My gut feelings are never far from being wrong 😂 we had our Pre-Wedding Party in Galgorm on Monday 16th March, it was UNBELIEVABLE and looking back, I’m so glad we got to party with our loved ones before this lockdown! It gave everyone a taster of what’s ahead!! 👰🏼🤵🏻🍾That Wednesday, I got the call to discuss the wedding possibly being postponed. It was our decision but I completely trust our Wedding Venue and if they make a suggestion, we trust them completely 😊

How did you feel ?
Surprisingly, I felt relieved!! As the situation kept changing so drastically, we were already worried about my grandparents and guests that were high risk. We wanted everyone there to celebrate our special day but we also didn’t want anyone’s health to be at risk! We have a network of outstanding support from our family, friends and the Galgorm Wedding Team so it’s very hard to feel anything other than happiness!
What’s your new wedding date ?
Saturday 15th August 2020! It’s the day after Kyle’s birthday so I’ll not need to buy him a gift.. Instead he’s getting me as a wife?! I think that’s the best present of all time. Kyle might want to return the gift within 28 days though! 😂 *NON RE-FUNDABLE* 🤣👏🏼

How did you go about organising all the new changes ?
Firstly, we have an ABSOLUTE DARLING of a Wedding Planner!!! 🤍🤍🤍 She already has made this whole experience so enjoyable and stress free so this situation was no different!! Bronagh had already checked availability with a few of the trusted suppliers as she was aware of how much we loved their work. After that, it was just a case of explaining everything to Kyle and contacting all of our suppliers. In the space of two hours, all of our suppliers had got back to us and confirmed that they were free on the 15th August! Meant to be?! I think so! 💗 We’re both extremely lucky to have such incredible wedding suppliers, every single one of them!! I’ve gained a few special friendships along the way, they’re the Bride Besties 🎀🤍👰🏼

Did you have to change your style colours flowers ?
Our florist is one of Galgorm’s trusted suppliers, Leaf designs. I’ve been in contact with the lovely ladies, if the flowers need to change, it’s honestly not a problem. The colours will still be there 😊 again, I have full trust in them! 🥰
Luckily for us, our wedding has changed from a spring wedding to a summer wedding so it makes no difference to our decor 😊 although even if it went from a spring wedding to a Christmas Wedding, I would have made it work 😂 anything wrapped in fairylights is Christmassy!! 🎄✨
At the end of the day, it’s still your wedding, your vision. Looking back on photos, (especially indoor photo’s) are you ever really going to be able to tell what time of the year it is?!
How do you feel now ?
We’re both feeling great! 😁 It’s so exciting to think this is still ahead of us, most of the stress is out of the way so we now have a few months breather before our big day 😊 We’re also looking forward to popping a bottle of champagne on Saturday for our ‘Practice Run’ Wedding Day! 🥳

What was the most disappointing thing that you had to deal with (honeymoon?)
I can honestly say that I didn’t have to deal with anything disappointing. Kyle maybe was disappointed about the fact it’s another few months before I’m his wife! 🤪 All I can think about is the positives. We have a few stress-free months, more time to plan with Bronagh and we’re still getting married, it’s just going to be BIGGER and BETTER!!! Positive Bride Vibes Only 👰🏼🤵🏻💍
As for our honeymoon, we don’t go on holidays and we had planned to stay away a few nights so it was just a matter of changing dates! 😊
What advice would you give to couples who may find themselves in a position to have to change their wedding date?
Firstly, don’t panic! Pause and Postpone, don’t cancel!! 🤍🤍🤍
Trust your wedding venue and your suppliers, they’re there to help you both anyway they can! 😊 They will make it a day that you’ll never forget!
Remember the reason behind the wedding 💗 it will all work out and you will have your happily ever after! 😊
It’s just a date, a date doesn’t matter. What’s most important is the fact that one day, you’ll still be exchanging vows with your nearest and dearest around you both, that’s what’s important 😊
Most importantly, be kind. Remember that the wedding industry is taking a hit too, we all need to help each other out any way we can!! I’ve seen so many kind hearted suppliers expressing the sadness and sympathy for Bride and Grooms who’ve had to postpone! Don’t forget to ask them how they’re holding up 😘